Browse Items (7594 total)
Templemore Rate Book 1869
Tags: 1869, Adamstown, Armstrong's Lane, Aughall Beg, Aughall Middle, Aughall More, Ballycahill, Ballyheen, Barnalascaw, Barrack Square, Barrack Street, Belleville, Borrisbeg, Bradley's Row, Butlerslodge, Carroll's Lane, Church Street, Cobbs, Cullenagh, Eastwood, Farranaderry, Fogarty's Lane, Forrest, Gaol Street, George's Street, Greenwood, Hospital Street, Ivyhall, Jockeyhall, John's Lane, Kilcalareen, Kiltillane, Kiltilliha, Knockanroe, Kylebeg, Lisnaviddoge North, Lisnaviddoge South, Main Street, Manna North, Manna South, Manna South Town of Templemore: Richmond, Mary Street, New Road, Oldtown, Pigfoot Lane, Polygon Lane, Priory Demesne, Property, Rossnamaniff Lower, Rossnamaniff Upper, Ryan's Lane, Sandymount, Scott's Lane, Talavera Place, Taxation, Templemore Demesne, The Mall, Thurles PLU, Town of Templemore Main Street, Valuation, Woodville
Templemore Rate Book 1844
Tags: 1844, Adamstown, Balemelne, Ballaheen, Ballybegane, Ballyheen, Barna, Barrack Street, Bellville, Bellwood, Burrisbeg, Butler's Lodge, Church Street, College Hill, Corough, East Wood, Fanaderry, Forrest, Francis Street, Georges Street, Goslin Green, Greenwood, Gurthbrack, Ivy Hall, Jockey Hall, John Street, Johns Court, Kilcleheen, Killenagh, Killough, Killtylawn, Kiltilane, Kiltiliha, Knockanoe, Lisnafidouge, Mall, Mary Street, New Row Street, North Manna, Old Town, Pickfoot Lane, Pig Foot Lane, Polagon, Poloughs, Polygon, Priory, Property, Rossnamaniff, Sandy Mount, South Manna, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Valuation, Woodville
Templemore Irish Tourist Association Report
Templemore Horse Races 1902
Templemore Horse Races 1900
Templemore church 1958
Tags: 1950s, Church, Co. Tipperary, Templemore
Templemore barracks September 1966
Tags: 1960s, Co. Tipperary, Dr Morris, Templemore
Templekelly Rate Book 1846
Tags: 1846, Ballina Townland, Ballina Village, Ballycorican, Ballyea Cox, Ballyea Kent, Coole, Curraghaviller, Derry, Derrybeg, Drumbawn, Drummin East, Drummin West, Englishtown, Eyrestown, Famine, Garrynatinnella, Glenacre, Grange, Gurtalasabrien, Inchimore, Kilarey Hayes, Kilary Joyce, Kilmagrosty, Knocknadrummin, Leegane, Lower Coolbawn, Lower Newtown, Middletown, Minahan, Nenagh PLU, Philip’s Hill, Property, Quilinagh, Reyninch, Roran, Roulagh, Taxation, Towntinna, Upper Ballycorican, Upper Coolbawn, Upper Newtown, Valuation
Templederry Rate Book 1853
Templederry Rate Book 1847
Tags: Boulabawn, Castle Otway, Chalk Hill, Clohinch, Cooley Cara Cooreeny, Cooreeny Red, Counsillehane, Cource Quarter, Cummanebeg, Cummanemore, Cummer, Curraheenduff, Dawsons bog, Famine, Felix Wood, Friar Field, Frier Field, Garrane Otway, Garrynacarraga, Glastrigan, Greenane, Gurteenakirky, Gurthenavalla, Gurthnagoona, Gurthnalara, Gurthnaskeha Cooreeny, Knockathageen, Knockfune Cooreeny, Knockincrea, Knocknagarig, Knocknasharaga, Middleplough, Nenagh PLU, Property, Rahanoura, Reshawn Correeny, Taxation, Templederry, Thurvonalee, Toreigh, Valuation