Tipperary Archive

Welcome to Tipperary Studies.
Home of local studies research for Tipperary County Council Library Service.

The Local Studies Department is the primary resource for local history research in County Tipperary for historians and enthusiasts. It has a dedicated reading room with modern research facilities.

Browse Collections (148 total)

Michael Murphy Clonmel images 1980s


Tipperary Studies presents a terrific range of photographs of Clonmel and district. These wonderful collection of images were captured by the lens of…

Cottage Lodge, Cahir


Black and white photographic images of Cottage Lodge, Cahir. With thanks to John Alexander for giving us permission to display these photos. It is…

Thurles Camera Club


Black and white photographic images of Thurles town featuring streets, buildings and factories. 1987

St Patrick's College, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.


A set of black and white photographic images of St. Patrick’s College seminary, Thurles from the early years of the twentieth century. The college is…

Carrick-on-Suir Lions club

Carrick-on-Suir Lions fundraiser photos 1980s_014.jpg

Account books from Ballypatrick/Kilcash, Co. Tipperary

Gibbs Forge account book 1935 - 1940 pt1.pdf

A collection of account books from three Ballypatrick/Kilcash businesses ranging from 1916 to 1948. There are job books and client account books from…

Kilcash National School records

Kilcash National School religious examination schedule 1927.pdf

Records of the National School at Kilcash, Co. Tipperary. 1872 - 1929.
The national school in Kilcash was in existence since 1814 supported by the…

Lisvernane National School records

Lisvernane National School roll book 1923_1927.pdf

A collection of records from Lisvernane NS. in Co. Tipperary
The records include a girls register for 1905-25, a boys register for 1909 - 1929 and a…

Aherlow National School records

Aherlow National School boys register 1911_1929_Redacted.pdf

A collection of records from Aherlow NS. The Old National School at Aherlow was constructed in 1910 and served as a national school from 1911 through…

Crough National School records

Crough National School girls register 1909_1930_Redacted.pdf

The records are registration books for boys and girls. Crough National school (Goatenbridge) had been built in 1844, .Crough continued to serve the…