Tipperary Archive

Welcome to Tipperary Studies.
Home of local studies research for Tipperary County Council Library Service.

The Local Studies Department is the primary resource for local history research in County Tipperary for historians and enthusiasts. It has a dedicated reading room with modern research facilities.

Browse Items (7547 total)

Quinn prints_003.jpg
Black and white image of a threshing workgroup in O'Gorman's of Shanbally farm. With two horse teams. Co. Tipperary. Early 20th century

Workers in Abbey yard.jpg
Colour image of workers in the Abbey yard seen through an old window opening. No date

Quinn prints_001.jpg
Black and white image of a large group at a threshing in O'Gorman's of Shanbally standing in front of two straw stacks. Early 20th century

Work on Thurles cathedral.jpg
Colour image of the bell tower of Thurles Cathedral with scaffolding in place. 1966

Work on the west range.jpg
Colour image of a workman on the roof of the west range. No date

Work on the tower in progress1972.jpg
Colour image of work on the tower in progress from across the bridge. 1972

Work on south aisle Winter 1973.jpg
Colour image of work on the south aisle from the cloister. Winter 1973

Thurles streets_002.jpg
Black and white image of work on the removal of the weigh bridge and Market House in Thurles. The original Market house built 1773 on Liberty Square, was recorded as ruined in 1870 and demolished in 1901. This building and it's weighbridge was built…

Work on nave NW view July 1975.jpg
Colour image of work on nave NW view July 1975

Work on chancel floor April 1975.jpg
Colour image of three men at work on chancel floor April 1975
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