Tipperary Archive

Welcome to Tipperary Studies.
Home of local studies research for Tipperary County Council Library Service.

The Local Studies Department is the primary resource for local history research in County Tipperary for historians and enthusiasts. It has a dedicated reading room with modern research facilities.

Browse Items (906 total)

Mass in unroofed Abbey Oct 1972.jpg
Colour image of mass in the unroofed Abbey Octber 1972

Mass in the old church.jpg
Colour image of altar area and clergy during mass in the old church. Holycross. No date

Mass in restored chapel 1975.jpg
Colour image of mass in restored Abbey 1975

Mass in Abbey Michaelmas 1972.jpg
Colour image of mass being clebrated in an unroofed Abbey Michaelmas 1972

Leaving the abbey.jpg
Colour image of a woman carrying a young child framed in the Abbey entrance amoung other parishoners leaving the abbey. No date

Leaving the Abbey Treacy_Allen wedding 1973.jpg
Colour image of the bride and groom leaving the Abbey walking under scaffolding. Treacy_Allen wedding 1973

Irish mass in Holycross Abbey 1974.jpg
Colour image of three clerics celebrating Irish mass in Holycross Abbey during restoration 1974

Interior of Holycross during mass.jpg
Colour image of interior of restored Holycross Abbey during mass. No date

Icon with decorated altar.jpg
Colour image of an Icon with decorated altar in an alcove in Holycross Abbey. No date

Homily in restored Abbey 1977.jpg
Homily in restored Holycross Abbey 1977
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