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Templetuohy Rate Book 1846
Templetuohy Rate Book 1870
Tags: 1870, Ballinlassa, Ballinroe, Ballyknockane, Ballylahy, Ballyphillips, Castlebiny, Chapel Street, Clonbough, Cranagh, Derryloughter, Kylemore, Lahagh, Lisanure, Lisdalleen & Drummin, Lissanure, Longorchard, Pound Street, Property, Strogue, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Togher, Tullowmacjames, Valuation, Village of Templetuohy: Main Street
Knigh Gravestone Inscriptions
Thurles Rate Book 1849
Tags: Archerstown, Ardbawn, Athnid, Ballycarrane, Ballygemmane, Bank Lane, Bawnathin, Bawnthemeena, Boheenkeagh, Bohernamona, Bohernanave, Bohernaneve, Bowlingreen, Brittas, Bullawnbrack, Cassestown, Castlemeadow, Church Lane, Clobanna, Clongour, Commons of Thurles, Cookes Lane, Coolgrawn, Coolkennedy, Cormacks Lane, Cuchulainn Road, Curbally, Drish Road, Drolleen, Famine, Farrenreigh, Furze, Garrovocleheen Street, Garryvicleheen, Glengarriffe, Grange, Gurteenaduslla, Gurtnaglough, Kearneys Lane, Kickham Street, Killinan, Kilrush, Knockanes, Knockeens, Knockroe, Kyle, Lime Kiln Lane, Liscahill, Lisnaginogue, Lisscahill, Lognafulla, Loughlahan, Loughtagalla, Lower Leugh, Main Street, Main Street East, Manor Mills, Mill Lane, Mitchel Street, Mullaunbrack, Mullauns, Mutton Field, New Brook, New Mall, New Road, New Street, Newtown, Nicholas Street, Parnell Street, Part of Leugh, Pike Street, Property, Puddinglane, Quarries Street, Racecourse, Racoona, Rossa Street, Rossestown, Seskin, Shanaclone, Stradovoher Street, Taxation, The Gate, The Heath, Thour, Thurles PLU, Tonougha, Toor, Tooreen, Turtulla, Upper Galbooly, Upper Leugh, Valuation, Victuallers Lane
Thurles Rate Book 1868
Tags: 1868, Archerstown, Ardbaun, Back Lane, Ballycarrane, Ballyvoneen, Bawnanattin, Bawntameena, Bohernamona, Bohernanave, Bohernaneave Road, Bolands Lane, Bowling Green, Brittas, Brittas Road, Burkes Row, Carneys Lane, Carrigeen, Cassestown, Church Lane, Clongour, Clongower, College Lane, Commons, Cookes Lane, Coolkennedy, Corbally, Cormacks Lane, Drish, Farranreigh, Furze, Garryvicleheen, Garryvicleheen St., Glebe, Glengariff, Gortataggart, Gortnaglogh, Grange, Hickeys Lane, Kickham Street, Killinane, Knockakelly, Knockauns, Knockcurragh, Knockeen, Knockroe, Kyle, Lewaghbeg, Lewaghmore, Limekiln Lane, Liscahill, Lisnagonoge, Lognafulla, Loughtagalla, Main Street, Mitchel Street, Monacocka, Monakeeba, Monanearla, Monatierna, Mullaunbrack, Mullauns, New Street, Newbrook, Nicholas Street, Obbins Holding, Parnell Street, Property, Pudding Lane, Racecourse, Rathcooney, River Lane, Sheskin, Stradavoher, Stradavoher St., Taxation, The Heath, The Mall, The Pike Road, The Quarry, Thurles PLU, Thurlestownparks, Toor, Tooreen, Town of Thurles, Townagha, Turtulla, Turtulla Road, Valuation, Victuallers Lane, Village of the Pike, Wrensborough
Two Mile Borris Rate Book 1868
Tags: 1868, Blackcastle, Borris, Cloncleigh, Clooncleagh, Leigh, Newhill, Noard, Property, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Valuation, Village of Twomileborris
Two Mile Borris Rate Book 1844
Tags: 1844, Ballybeg, Ballydavid, Ballyerk, Ballynamona, Borris, Burris, Cloncleagh, Cloncleigh, Clover, Cold Fields, Coldfields, Coolakera, Coolcroo, Coolcrue, Derryhogan, Derrymore, Grawn, Kielna Kuick, Laharden, Leagh, Leigh, Littleton, Longford Pass, Monatierna, New Hill, Noard, Property, Rafanna, Rathmanna, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Valuation
Upperchurch Rate Book 1852
Tags: 1852, Ballinahow, Cappanaleigh, Cappanavilla, Carew, Castlehill, Cooga, Coumbeg, Curraghduff, Curraghmore, Curraghnatinny, Doree Commons, Garrankilka, Glenbeg, Glenfunshinagh, Gleninchaveigh, Gortatuada, Graniera, Gurtnacranmore, Gurtnada, Knockatoora Commons, Knockduree, Knocknamena Commons, Mogland, Property, Roan, Ruan, Rusheenbeg, Rusheenmore, Seskin, Shevry, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Valuation
Upperchurch Rate Book 1873
Tags: 1873, Ballinahow, Ballynahow, Cappanaleigh, Cappanavilla, Carew, Castlehill, Cooga, Cumbeg, Curraghduff, Curraghnamoe, Curraghnatinny, Dooree Commons, Garrankilka, Glenbeg, Glenfinshinagh, Gleninchaveigh, Gortatooda, Gortnacran More, Gortnada, Graniera, Knockatoora Commons, Knockdunnee, Knocknameena Commons, Mogland, Property, Roan, Ruan, Rusheen Beg, Rusheen More, Seskin, Shevry, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Valuation