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Fethard Rate Book 1849
Tags: 1849, Abbey Street, Annsgift, Ardculla, Ardsalla, Ballintemple, Ballybought, Ballyvaddy, Ballyvaldy, Barrettsgrange, Barrettstown, Barrretstown, Carrigeen, Cashel PLU, Cashel Road, Cashel Street, Clonmel Road, Clonmel Road or Market Hill, Coleman, Coolinnure, Coolmore, Coolmoyne, Corporation, Cramps Bridge, Crossard, Curriscurteen, Derryluskin, Fair Green, Famine, Farrenray, Farrenrore, Glenagaddy, Gurteen, Gurteen Shamrock, Hole in the Wall, Jesuits Walk, Kerry Street, Killenaule Road, Kilnockin, Knockbording, Knockbrack, Madamsland, Main Street, Mocklerstown, Money Park, Monmore, Moonbeg, More Street, Munroe, Munroe or Liberties of Fethard, Old Chapel Lane, Old Mill Street, Property, Prospect, Rathcoole, Rathdrum, Rathduff, Rathmore, Rathvin, Red City, Red City Hill, Redeen, River Street, Rocklow, Rocklow Road, Rockvalley, Saucestown, Saucestown Road, Sauls Land, Slainstown, Spittlefield, Sraylay Road, Taxation, Templemartin, Upper Coolmoyne, Valley, Valley Street, Valuation
Gaile Valuation Rate Book
Graigue Valuation Rate Book
Graystown Rate Book 1849
Tags: 1849, Ballaghboy, Ballintogher, Ballinunty, Ballinure, Ballynonty, Ballynure, Burnchurch, Cashel PLU, Cooleagh, Derricknew, Derrynabrone, Derrynaflan pt of Lurgoe, Derynabrone pt of Lurgoe, Dunguib, Famine, Graystown, Kilboy, Knockforlagh, Lurgoe, Manserghshill, Mardyke, Noan, Property, Springhill, Taxation, Valuation
Killeenasteena Valuation Rate Book
Killinaule [Killenaule] Rate Book 1849
Tags: 1849, Bailey Street, Ballintoher, Cashel PLU, Cashel Road, Cashel Road Street, Cataganstown, Chapel Lane, Crosscannon, Dunguib, Gurranes, Killenaule, Knockinglass, Knockvarda, Lanespark, Lower Graigue, Main Street, Monslat, Mount Taylor, Moyglass, Old Chapel Lane, Pike Road Street, Property, Rathmoloy, Rathrue, River Street, Roan, Springhill, Taxation, Upper Graigue, Valuation
Kiltinan Rate Book 1849
Tags: 1849, Bould, Cappadruma, Carrigeenshirough, Cashel PLU, Clare, Coroughagrana, Drumdial, Famine, Gammonstown or Lake Field, Grange, Grange Beg, Jocestown, Killavalla, Killerk, Killusty, Kiltinan, Lacopple, Milltown, Newtown & Clonohocody, Property, Rathcanty, Sladugh, Taxation, Tulla, Valuation
Kilpatrick Rate Book 1849
Tags: 1849, Attybrick, Ballintemple, Ballywalter, Bishopswood, Brick Bog, Bridge Lawn, Cammask, Cashel PLU, Castle Cluen, Clonaspoe, Clonkelly, Coolacusane, Coolbawn, Deer Park Wood, Drominachroy, Drumnaclaura, Farnavilla, Garryduff, Golden Garden, Gortrush, Graffon, Grovestown, Gurtnarush, Gurtussa, House Park, Killenure, Killmore, Kilpatrick, Kilshenane, Knockavilla, Knockbrack, Knockroe, Lassane, Lassane outside demesne, Lord Hawarden's lands, Lower Gurtassa, Manlinoke, Maudmount, Maudstown, Middle, Middlefield, Paddock field, Property, Pubblehill, Quarry Pond, Rossbeg, Rossmore, Seedfields, Sherrards fields, Taxation, Toureen, Upper Gurtassa, Valuation, Westland
Knockgraffon Rate Book 1849
Tags: 1849, Ballygerald East, Ballygerald West, Bellevue, Boytonrath, Caddlestown, Carrigeen, Cashel PLU, Chamberlinstown, Cloghabreedy, Dogstown, Donegall, Farrankindry, Farranliney, Garrandee, Garranlea, Glennagat, Graige Little, Graigue, Killenasteena, Knockannaveigh, Knocknaquill, Loughkent East, Loughkent Lower, Loughkent West, Marlhill, Newtown, Outeragh Knockgraffon, Property, Rahinaghmore, Rockwell, Springfield, Taxation, Templenoe, Tooloone, Valuation, Whiteland, Woodinstown