Browse Items (7576 total)
Loughmore Rate Book 1868
Tags: 1868, Barronstown, Carrickloughmore, Clogherailybeg, Clogherailymore, Cloone, Coogulla, Curraghmore, Derry, Gorteendangan, Gorteenmagher, Gortnaha, Gortreagh, Graiguefrahane, Graiguefrehane, Kilbrickane, Kilcoke, Kilcurkree, Killanigan, Kilnaseer, Laghile, Mardyke, Penane, Property, Rocker, Skeagh, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Tinvoher, Tinvoher: Village of Loughmore, Valuation, Whitefield
Mealiffe Rate Book 1843
Tags: 1843, Aligort, Ballinnira, Ballyhoughter, Castlefogarty, Clareen, Coolbawn, Coolkill, Coolnamunna, Corroughnathinnagh, Dooree, Drombane, Druindyhy, Drumbane, Drumminagown, Drumminphillip, Foilagowl, Friars Lodge, Garryvenus, Grague, Graigue, Gurthaloola, Gurtheenafooragh, Killeenleagh, Knockalough, Knockathial, Knockhaurinduve, Lakindharra, Lisheen, Mealiffe, Montalt, Moyaliffe, Property, Rape field, Roskeen, Rosmult, Rosnacanning, Shanballydhuve, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Valuation, White Hall, Wood
Moyaliffe Rate Book 1872
Moycarkey Rate Book 1847
Tags: 1847, A bog in common to Lady Stannix tenants, Ballahudda, Ballyhudda, Butlers farm, Butlersfarm, Cabra, Cabragh, Cloghmartin, Cloughmarting, Coolkip, Drumgour, Drumgower, Famine, Fartiana, Fertiana, Forgestown, Galbertstown, Galbortstown, Glebe of Maxforth, Grague, Graigue, Kielno, Knockroe, Kylenoe, Lisnahoosta, Maxfort, Maxforth, Newton, Newtown, Pouldhine, Pouldine, Property, Shanballa, Shanbally, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Valuation
Moycarkey Rate Book 1877
Tags: 1877, Ashill, Ballyhudda, Butlers farm, Coolkip, Drumgower, Forgestown, Graigue, Kilmelan, Kilnoe, Knocknanuss, Knockroe, Knockstowry, Moycarkey, Pouldine, Property, Shanbally, Smithsfarm, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Valuation
Kilmastulla Gravestone Inscriptions
Moyne Rate Book 1846
Moyne Rate Book 1874
Rahealty Rate Book 1846
Tags: 1846, Ballyduff, Coolahulla, Famine, Garranroe, Lisduff, Pierce Town, Piercetown, Property, Rahealty, Taxation, Thurles PLU, Valuation